16th October 2023 - Zoom Workshop - Helical Kumihimo Necklace
This workshop is for a textured Kumihimo necklace that uses the beautiful soft Italian Soutache and 11/0 seed beads to create a unique spiral focal.
This is an advanced class.
For this design the Soutache and S-Lon must be as similar in colour as possible, therefore even though I am not offering a complete kit, I am offering an option whereby a set of Soutache and co-ordinating S-Lon can be bought along with the workshop. The only options that I have been unable to pair up are Chocolate, Crème Menthe and Pale Lilac. These will be posted using UK First Class or Standard international - there will be no tracking.
If you would like the Soutache, please go the Soutache page and order using the Helical Workshop option, adding a note at checkout to say what colour Soutache you would like - Soutache
For all workshop bookings a list of materials and equipment will be emailed upon booking. It will include Kumihimo disks, Soutache, S-Lon Tex-135, Size 11 seed beads and a clasp.
The workshop will be made up of two sessions:
Monday 16th October 2023 at UK (BST) 06.00pm
PT - 10.00am
MT - 11.00am
CT - 12.00 noon
ET - 01.00pm
Followed by Thursday 19th October 2023 at the same time. Both sessions will last approximately 2 to 2.5 hrs.